Projects of brick houses with a garage from 150 to 250 m2

Brick as a building material – time-tested reliability

Despite the fact that today in the building materials market customers are offered an unusually wide selection of options for building a two-story mansion, brick has been and remains the leader among even the most modern and technologically advanced options.

And for good reason - it looks great, doesn’t burn at all, and most importantly, it retains heat excellently, and accordingly, it will allow you to save on heating in the future.

Projects of brick houses with a garage are an opportunity to build a strong, reliable and beautiful building, equipped with convenient parking for the “iron horse”.

Why is it worth building a brick cottage with a garage? Brick is perhaps one of the oldest and most time-tested materials for construction. Today there are many types of this material, but the main characteristics and advantages do not change depending on the subspecies.

Let's take a closer look at the advantages of brick as a building material:

  1. Aesthetic appearance. The use of various types of brickwork will allow the construction of the most exquisite buildings with a variety of architectural forms. In fact, everything is limited only by the imagination of the developer and the directness of the hands of the builders.
  2. High level of noise reduction. Brick is a natural material. Thanks to this, it perfectly muffles extraneous noise from the street without letting it into the house. This parameter is especially high for sand-lime bricks.
  3. Fire resistance. Two-story brick houses with a garage are leaders in fire safety - brick is absolutely non-flammable, which is why it is so valued by developers.
  4. Low temperature resistance. Considering the severity of our winters, this is not the least important parameter. Due to its frost resistance and resistance to repeated temperature changes, brick is an ideal building material for areas with harsh climatic conditions.
  5. Ecological cleanliness. Brick is made exclusively from natural, natural materials, due to which it does not contain chemical elements and compounds harmful to health. In addition, excellent throughput provides the brick with protection from pests and rot.
  6. Durability. Brick is unusually durable - the minimum service life of a two-story house with a garage made of brick is at least a century.
  7. Reliability. Brick is divided into a number of brands, some of which are able to withstand heavy loads without losing their characteristics or collapsing.
  8. Versatility. Brick is equally convenient to use for the construction of any buildings - be it a project of a brick house with a garage, or a household building - they will turn out to be equally reliable and durable.

Facade tiles – durability and convenience

Before the appearance of facade tiles on the market, craftsmen faced houses mainly with brick. Today, having a wide selection of tiles for every taste, you can choose materials for your purposes.

There are tiles that imitate stone and brick. They look advantageous, but are quite expensive. In addition to excellent external characteristics, such facade tiles are frost-resistant and durable.

(Photo 1)Photo: tiles imitating stone

A popular option for brick walls is clinker tiles. This building material is easy to install and has increased resistance to changes in external temperatures.

(Photo 2)Photo: color option for clinker tiles

Porcelain tiles are considered an excellent replacement for natural stone, as they are similar in durability and durability. As a rule, such tiles are sold in large sizes, making installation much faster.

(Photo 3)Photo: façade cladding with porcelain stoneware

Preparing a house project

Let's take a closer look at two-story brick houses with a garage. Before moving on to active actions, you should think through everything in as much detail as possible, decide for yourself what exactly should be in the future building, what you expect from it. And already with preliminary thoughts, you can switch to developing a plan for your future home.

Projects of two-story brick houses are truly unlimited just for imagination in terms of design solutions. Brick is a convenient material, so you can plan the future rooms of the house with maximum efficiency and effectiveness.

You can use any layout, focusing only on personal comfort and ideas about comfort.

A brick cottage looks great not only from the inside, but also from the outside - it looks impressive, solid, and at the same time aesthetically pleasing. And if you hire good builders and experienced designers, then even from a small building you can make a real villa.

To prepare a project for a brick house with a garage, it is enough to contact a specialized architectural organization - in such offices there are usually simply a huge number of them, and choosing a practical and beautiful option that suits you in all respects is not at all difficult.

Another plus is that standard house designs in such organizations usually do not take money, or they will ask for a minimum.

And in return you:

  1. you can easily and without nerves obtain the necessary permits for the construction of a house;
  2. you immediately know both the internal structure of the house and its appearance;
  3. get in your hands the exact layout of the required quantity of all materials for construction;
  4. significantly reduce the financial and time costs of construction.

If among the standard designs of brick houses with garages there is no one that suits the customer’s wishes, it can always be changed within the total area. For those who love the exclusive, they can design a house from scratch, in full accordance with all the client’s wishes, but this project will not be cheap.

Important! When choosing a standard project, pay attention to its adaptation, that is, it must be designed for construction from brick. Otherwise, unpleasant surprises may begin in the future, for example, the heating of the house in winter will be poor.

The option of creating a house project from scratch is in demand in cases where:

  • the customer’s budget is sufficient for the construction of “useful additions” exceeding the standard budget included in the finished project;
  • the customer has a number of requirements that are not present in standard house designs, such as a swimming pool, sauna, dressing room, increased number of bathrooms, and so on.

Photos of various types and styles of facades of country houses and cottages

What the facades of houses might look like, photos of two-story houses and small one-story houses with finishing made of different materials:

Original finishing of the facade with stone and plasterSource

Facade in Russian styleSource

Author's design of the facade using elements of a Swiss chalet, minimalism, Russian style, complemented by floral decorationSource

Modern house with an Alpine style facadeSource

Facade in American colonial styleSource

Facade in Gothic styleSource

Original decoration of the facade of a house with an attic in a classic styleSource

Finishing the facade with artificial stone and plaster with elements of designer decorationSource

The facade of the house is made of tiles, and the balcony is decorated with decorated wrought iron railingsSource

Original drawings on the facade of the houseSource

Plastered facade with green ornamentSource

Mixed facade of a country houseSource

Price calculation and design rules

Options for laying bricks when building a house.
When creating a brick cottage project, two principles are usually taken as a basis:

  1. Calculation of the type and quantity of materials required for the construction of the building.
  2. Proper distribution of premises across floors of the building.

Distribution by floors can be done in two ways:

  1. First, they determine the number of rooms in the house, their type and location, and only after that they calculate the total area of ​​the house.
  2. The specific known area of ​​the house is divided into separate rooms, which are grouped taking into account the maximum convenience of their use.

The size of the rooms should not be lower than the minimum allowable. There are a number of certain standards; it is not recommended to lower them:

  • Sizes and location of windows;
  • Geometric characteristics of staircases;
  • Width of utility rooms;
  • Height and dimensions of living rooms (kitchen, bedroom, children's room, living room).

For example, let’s try to determine the cost of building a garage in a house, for which we will create an algorithm, and according to it we will calculate the costs of building materials, in our case – brick:

  1. We double the width and length of the rooms - we get the perimeter of the walls.
  2. We multiply the resulting figure by the height of the house.
  3. We determine what wall thickness is preferable for the building.
  4. We calculate how much brick is needed for one square meter of the building, and then multiply the resulting figure by the total area of ​​the building we obtained above.

If this type of calculation is inconvenient for you, you can use ready-made tables that already indicate the consumption of different types of bricks per square surface. In this case, it will be enough to know the area of ​​the house, the type of intended masonry and the type of brick that will be used in construction (double, one-and-a-half or silicate).

Popular styles of modern brick houses


The buildings, which have adopted elements of ancient Roman architecture, are filled with triumph and peaceful strength. Most of these houses are more like impressive fortresses, which are characterized by:

  • massive, monumental walls;
  • original brick decor;
  • circular arches.


It is this historical period that is considered the heyday of brick construction. Now in the architecture of such houses one cannot see the sculptural groups characteristic of this trend. The walls of Gothic houses have color contrast through the use of several types of brick, plaster and stones. In general, these are darkly romantic houses with a touch of a castle.


The next historical stage, which naturally bore fruit in the construction of brick houses. Such buildings are characterized by their pomp and grandeur. Often a lot of decor is used here, the quantity of which is amazing. All lines of the building have smooth bends and transitions, and there are an unusually large number of windows.

English style

These buildings are a mixture of Victorian and Georgian styles and are characterized by red walls. In the generally accepted version, this is a two-story house with a non-residential attic used as a closet. Taking into account modern trends, it can be converted into an attic and actively used.

The facade of such a house has strict lines and a complete lack of decor. The house should have symmetrical lines, identical placement of windows and smokers relative to the facade.


Houses that can become family castles that will preserve family values ​​for centuries. Red brick will never be combined with modern materials here. Glass doors or plastic windows are an absurd and inappropriate thing in such a house. The entire structure of the classical type should be made only from natural materials, and the main requirement will be the correctness of lines and proportions.


Complex and smooth lines are the basis of such a house. The word symmetry simply does not apply in this case. A characteristic feature here are smooth curves, lines and transitions, as well as various ornaments. The facades have rounded lines, and the decor is made of ceramics and forged gratings. In the windows, instead of ordinary glass, stained glass is used, which is inserted into the bindings of ornate patterns.

In most cases, this style can be seen in city mansions or country villas, because their original architecture screams in every possible way about the individuality of the building. Living in such a house is always pleasant, cozy and very comfortable.

American style

The buildings of this style are some rethinking of the old European style. The peculiarity lies in the scale of the structures and their external richness. A characteristic feature of such houses is symmetry; the rooms in such a house are always very large and spacious.

The roof of the building will be cascading, but the windows are huge and in abundance. Here you can often see columns, spiers and a wide staircase to the second floor inside the house. The facade is almost always finished with light plaster, there is practically no decor. In general, these are luxurious brick houses that demonstrate the financial well-being of the owners.

Prairie style

Another American style that focuses on complete harmony of the house with the surrounding landscape. The design of the house is characterized by horizontal lines of forms that are associated with prairie landscapes. The roof of such houses is often hip-type, less often flat, which ends with massive and wide overhangs. The windows here are installed linearly.

High tech

Style implies the triumph of rationalism. The architecture of such buildings is based on maximum conciseness, linearity and full functionality. Such brick houses are characterized by complete technicality and fascinate at first sight. The main feature of high-tech is the maximum of free space and light. Proportional precision, simple and practical decoration create the overall elegance of the building. The facade of such a house will be full of glass and metal; small structures in such a house are practically absent.

The main emphasis is not on the decor, but on the color contrast of the ascetic buildings. The facade decoration often combines two colors: black - white, red - black, silver - red, etc.

Choosing a brick for construction

Once the preliminary calculations are completely completed and you can begin to implement the project, you can move on to the next important stage - choosing the type of brick for the house.

It is divided into several types, each of them has its own design features, so you need to immediately decide what type of brick to use for what purpose.

For the construction of house walls, simple ceramic bricks with holes are best suited - they significantly increase the heat-ventilation characteristics.

Decorative plaster - simple and tasteful

Before starting work, initial insulation and leveling of brick walls are carried out. After this, they proceed to applying decorative plaster. According to the traditional version, it is applied to the entire surface of the facade in a single color - this gives the house a majestic appearance.

To create an original home design, you can use decorative plaster together with facing brick or stone.

A good option is a combination of decorative plaster and facing the corners of the house with brick: the building takes on a different shape, becomes highlighted and laconic.

The combination of facade stone and plaster allows you to place accents in the external design of the building. This combination is suitable for houses of non-classical shape: the stone will highlight one or more walls against the background of decorative plaster. The main thing is to successfully choose the colors of the materials.

Stages of building a house

Construction of a house can be divided into the following stages:

  1. The first step is to buy and register ownership of a plot of land. It’s just great if it comes with a passport, which indicates the main features and aspects.
  2. Permits should be carefully completed before construction. Otherwise, when registering a finished building, unpleasant situations may arise, which will result in unexpected (and considerable) expenses.
  3. Another important stage that should not be neglected is geological surveys. They will help to study the features of the terrain and, most importantly, the location of groundwater. However, if you have a passport for the site, there is no need to carry out this type of work.
  4. Preparing a house project, taking into account the features of the area and relating to them.
  5. Construction of the building. This stage includes the entire list of work, starting with the acquisition of the required materials and ending with the complete readiness of the house. Even if the work is performed by professional teams of craftsmen, the stage does not cancel the mandatory control of the home owner.
  6. Acceptance of the constructed building, registration of ownership rights to it and, perhaps, the most important stage - housewarming.

Is it worth doing the cladding yourself?

The process of laying bricks is quite complex. Without experience in this field, it is almost impossible to make a smooth wall horizontally and vertically. Moreover, there are also features of the formation of an external decorative wall. It is necessary to make flexible connections and leave ventilation gaps between the elements. It is very difficult to control everything. In addition, the work will not go quickly.

Therefore, you should not tempt fate and transfer expensive bricks and mortar, but immediately hire a professional team of masons. Finding good workers will also be difficult. Check with your friends or neighbors, maybe there are people like them in their circle. And be prepared for the fact that the cost of performing the work is also not cheap.

Bottom line

Construction of a two-story cottage with a garage is expensive, troublesome, and most importantly, not at all quick. You will have to spend a lot of time studying various design documentation, drawing up a huge number of documents for the land and the building itself.

Such a house is being built for a long time, so the most important parameter will be strict control of all stages, starting with the selection of the project and materials for construction, and ending with all the necessary work on the site.

That is why it is wise to entrust complex calculations and work on the design and construction of a house to professionals - this way you can save money, nerves, and, most importantly, just a huge amount of time.

Combined houses - wood and brick

The combined facade of the house based on wood and brick provides high savings, fire safety and a comfortable microclimate.

Typically, the construction of the first floor is carried out using brick, and the second level - wood. Due to this, it is possible to use material economically and not have to think about building a solid foundation, since such a structure is characterized by a relatively lightweight design. Brick resists fire and withstands temperature changes well, so it is placed on the first level, where the boiler room/fireplace is usually located.

Stone and brick combine best in terms of comfort for the owner. Their combination provides an optimal level of humidity, good sound insulation and reliability of the structure for many years.

Single-level houses with garage space

Standard designs for a one-story house with a garage are very popular. The main advantages of such houses are ease of implementation and affordable price.

Single-tier buildings are light in weight, which means the load on the foundation and soil is reduced. This makes it possible to introduce lightweight, to the most extreme extent, foundations.

Placing all rooms on the same level eliminates the need for expensive stairs. Accordingly, absolutely all free space is used, without any technical losses.

The principle of arrangement of living rooms and technical rooms is such that between them there is a kitchen and a bathroom. This placement makes it possible to reduce to zero the harmful effects on humans from such a neighborhood.

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