Having decided to start any construction, the first thing you need to pay attention to is the possibility of erecting buildings on this site.
Decide what type of land plot your site belongs to and whether it is possible to build a private house of 120 sq.m. on it.
Site layout
When constructing any residential building on a site, it is necessary to study the standards for the location of the house in relation to neighboring sites and any buildings on the site itself.
So, according to fire safety standards, the distance from the house to the garage should be more than 3 meters. The distance from the house itself to the border of the site is also regulated.
Therefore, to build a house, you must immediately take into account not only other buildings that will be located on the site, but also the buildings and boundaries of neighboring sites, i.e. draw up a general plan of the entire site.
You can, of course, come to an agreement with your neighbors, but all agreements become invalid if the owner of the neighboring plot changes. So it is better to comply with all construction regulations.
What is good about the finished project?
This or that option, which does not require modifications, makes it possible to speed up the construction of a cottage by saving time on creating a project from scratch. Often, an individual development plan is drawn up much longer than the main construction stage.
It is also important to take into account that choosing a simple house shape is more expedient, since its construction will not take much time. But laying out bay windows, terraces and additional areas will require increased costs.
Monolithic concreting will take a whole month, and if you decide to put the foundation on screw piles, it will be cheaper and faster. Moreover, you should not give preference to cheap labor. This can lead to an increase in the cost of the construction process and a significant delay.
The length and width of the house is 120 sq.m.
Here and further we will consider 120 sq.m. as the outer size, because internal area of the house is 120 sq.m. strongly depends on the material from which the house is built, on the insulation, on the presence of internal partitions, on the cladding of internal walls, etc.
It's no secret that the most economical option is close to square. It's easy to calculate. With the 12x10 version of the house, the perimeter will be 44 m. And with the 20x6 version, the perimeter will be 52. Narrowing one of the sides will also lead to narrowing of the rooms inside the house.
Prices from
We offer complex turnkey construction. No more need to contact different contractors! You order everything from one company. This makes it more reliable and significantly reduces construction time.
The price of our houses includes the following set of services:
- Project.
- Preparation of lumber and delivery to the customer’s site.
- Installation of the foundation.
- Construction of external and internal walls, as well as interfloor ceilings.
- Roofing work.
- Insulation.
- Installation of window frames.
- Entrance door.
- For cottages made of frames and timber, installation of interior doors.
- External and internal wall decoration for all wooden buildings.
Upon completion of construction, the house is completely ready for living. You can view ready-made samples in our exhibition complex, which is located in the Moscow Sports Complex. It is easy to find: a five-minute walk from the Kuzminki metro station. Now you can order a free taxi on the website, which will bring you to us at the appointed time.
House layout
The layout of the house on the site, as well as the location of the rooms, will have to be coordinated with the local administration, so it is better to think it over in advance.
With house designs of 120 sq.m. You can look it up on the Internet and choose the one you like, or you can turn to professionals and order the complete layout of a house of 120 sq.m.
Which house should you choose?
Most families think about which building is better, one-story or two-story. Experts unanimously say the second. A pair of tiers saves space and gives more space.
In addition, the process of constructing such a house is much cheaper than a one-story one. It all lies in the foundation and roof, since their area will not be 120 square meters, but half as much, which means construction will be a couple of times more profitable.
The construction of a two-story house using frame technology is more justified, since it also saves money, time and nerves. A two-story house will save space on the site.
Due to this, the family will have the opportunity to locate equally important buildings on the territory. You can set up a garden with verandas and gazebos. Often, owners of small plots have a swimming pool or sauna next to their house.
Experts in the field of construction also say that a two-story building is more convenient to place on uneven terrain or a slope. It is also worth paying attention to projects that provide for a basement floor where a heating system, communications, and plumbing equipment can be placed.
One or two story house
Here again is a question of pure economy and convenience. When building a two-story house of 120 sq.m. The area of the plot is gained, but the internal area of the house is practically lost, because we need to make a staircase.
A normal staircase, which not only a young healthy person can climb, will occupy at least 6 sq.m. At the same time, there are losses in living space on almost both floors.You can reduce the area of the staircase by making a spiral one, but this is more expensive.
When building a one-story house of 120 sq.m. gain in the materials from which the walls of the house are made, but loss on the foundation, blind area, roof.
Project style
Very often the configuration of the premises is determined by the architectural style of the building. The most popular of them:
Style | Characteristics |
European | A simple square or rectangular box of a house without a basement and usually without an attic. The roof is flat or single-pitched (read the article about choosing the shape and design of the roof). The absence of structural excesses makes it possible to quickly construct a building at the lowest cost. |
English | The concept of “cottage” came to us from England. They came up with the idea of placing the living room downstairs and the bedrooms on the second floor. The peculiarity of the style is multi-level facades with a high angle of slope of gable roofs, fireplace chimneys, and pretty balconies. |
German | Laconic layout and facade without clutter of architectural elements. The exception is half-timbered frames, without which European styles are unthinkable. The house is usually square, without a bay window; the entrance group often forms a balcony above it. There is an extension in the form of a garage or a covered terrace, an attic. Roof with two or four slopes and vertical windows (dormers). |
French | There are many trends in French style that depend on the traditions of the province. Houses can be rustic, simple or aristocratic. In any case, there is a second or attic floor. The basement is non-residential and contains only a wine cellar. The walls are usually made of brick or stone, the roof is often hipped or multi-gabled, with superstructures. Roofing material – ceramic tiles or shingles (shingles). |
Classical | Similar to French style. But the layouts typical of two-story cottages are not used here. No studios. Only the dining room is connected to the living room. The kitchen should always be separate. You can recognize the classic style by the facade, which is replete with architectural elements in the form of figured cornices and belts, pediments with dormers, columns, rusticated stones and other types of facade decor. |
High tech | Modern style with unconventional shapes and regular geometric dimensions. It is characterized by the use of high technology, so the building materials are metal, concrete and glass. High-tech buildings are characterized by large areas of façade glazing; the roof may be partially translucent. Stairs are often placed on the outside of the walls. |
Chalet | The chalet style originated in the Swiss Alps. This is a house in the mountains, positioned as a rural home. You can recognize it by the combination of stone on the first floor and timber on the second. It was once a shepherd's refuge. The cattle were kept below and the family lived above. In a modern chalet, there is often a garage and utility rooms below. Basements are not designed. |
Country | The word “country” means “rustic”, so such structures are often designed as suburban ones. It is impossible to unify their appearance, since there is a village in any country with its own traditions, which are reflected in everyday life. In the Russian outback, houses were most often built of wood. The main concept of the style is the use of natural materials. Country music is often combined with classics and even modern styles from minimalism to hi-tech. It turns out very unusual. |
Almost all of these styles involve the construction of walls made of stone (brick) or wood. Cheaper modern technologies are gradually replacing traditional ones.
Why pay through the nose for natural stone and hire lifting equipment to move it, if you can quickly install a wooden frame, fill it with insulation and cover it with panels to look like stone or brickwork?
Such proposals can be downloaded for free on the designers’ websites.
If you want a real stone, you will have to fork out for an individual project.
21 photos of one-story houses in different styles
Naturally, with a one-story house, the material consumption is greater.
You can see how it will all look in the photo of houses of 120 sq.m. in the Internet.
Video description
About the house with an area of 120 square meters in the following video:
- An important issue is choosing suitable staircase . In addition to its aesthetic appearance, it should be comfortable, safe and not take up much space. If the staircase is installed in the living room, there is no need to design an additional hall in front of it.
- A house of any layout will benefit (become more comfortable) from installing a fireplace .
- A front or side garage is a popular part of the project, saving area. Underground garages are rare, as they greatly increase the cost of construction.
A logically thought-out layout includes proper zoning of premises. At the design stage, not only the size of the premises is thought through, but also additional elements that contribute to a comfortable life. In the climate of the central zone and northern regions of Russia, some nuances seem necessary:
- Hallway . The vestibule is an important room that protects housing from heat loss and drafts. Here they often equip built-in wardrobes for storing clothes and shoes, and provide a place for drying things.
Even a small hallway performs an important function Source priceremont.ru
- General space of the day zone . The living room, dining room and kitchen are often combined into one space, which allows the use of interesting interior solutions.
- Garage . A closed, insulated garage is a typical detail of one-story houses, which they try to place in the extension in order to isolate the living area from garage odors.
What determines the layout of the rooms inside the house?
Of course, everything depends only on the wishes of the owners; it is simply impossible to give any advice here. One needs a billiard room, another a gym, the third loves fish and needs a large aquarium.
It is clear that the layout greatly depends on the number of family members. There is no need to plan that even one room will be enough for preschoolers. They will grow up, and their interests in life will not always coincide.
House 140 sq. m.: finished projects, tips on choosing the design and decoration of a home (125 photos)- House 9 by 11: ready-made projects and optimal solutions for placing rooms. 130 photos of interior and exterior design ideas
- Blue curtains: review of popular shades, combination options, new designs
So what, are you going to build a new wall? Ideally, we should strive to ensure that each resident has his own corner, which he can furnish to his liking and where he can retire.
Living room-studio
This space combines the kitchen space and the living room. Often designers are against such a layout. They argue that the smells of cooking and the noise from the operation of household appliances will penetrate into the living room.
However, all this can be easily avoided by installing a very powerful hood and insulating the equipment. By the way, in order to avoid the above problems, the living room can be separated from the kitchen by a light translucent partition.
Photos of houses 120 sq. m.
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Building with attic
Designers embody bold ideas in modern projects. A popular option is a building with an attic. For such an object, different materials and architectural solutions are used. Projects of houses with an attic have their own characteristics. Good thermal insulation should be provided; the upper part of the building is subject to significant temperature changes.
High-quality waterproofing is also required, since the living space is located directly under the roof. Lightweight building materials are used for the attic.
Projects of one-story houses contain a single space under the roof. If it needs to be divided, then drywall is used. The decoration of the building's exterior and interior space will be dormer windows.