Lunch is prepared in the summer kitchen, tea parties are held in the pavilion, children play in the garden, adults walk along the paved paths, and in the evening, kebabs are fried on the grill under the light of lanterns.
And you still have time before the start of the holiday season to decorate the recreation area with your own hands. How to organize everything correctly - read this article.
Principles of site zoning
Landscape designers identify several principles for dividing the territory of a summer cottage:
- Rationality. Experts advise allocating a tenth of the plot for residential development, 2 parts for extensions, a recreation area and decorative elements, and the remaining space (about 70% of the plot) for gardening.
- Maintaining sufficient distance between objects.
- Compliance with sanitary standards. In accordance with this, residential buildings should be located at a distance of 12 meters from toilets, cesspools and compost pits.
- Compliance with safety requirements. Thus, children's playgrounds and recreation areas should be located at a sufficient distance from the roadway, preferably as close to the house as possible.
Also, when designing, you should take into account the cardinal directions and wind direction.
Preparation and zoning. Installation of concrete pad
The initial stages, including actions to distribute zones of the site, are carried out according to certain rules and recommendations:
- Design is carried out taking into account soil data, in connection with the plan of the existing structure and communications.
- Self-arrangement of a place to relax involves its close location near the house, on a pre-prepared foundation, in slight partial shade.
- To carry out good zoning of a site means correctly dividing the territory into functioning areas, as noted in the previously developed plan.
When dividing a plot, you can use symbolic boundaries. Lay paving stones, plant lawn grass, install green hedges. The lawn is often considered a decorative decoration, but at the same time it always serves as an excellent backdrop.
However, more often a stronger concrete base is chosen for the site, which can easily withstand the loads created by placed furniture, barbecue grills and other items of external interior.
The most common type of site construction is a concrete pad. In other words, installation of a foundation slab, where all work is carried out strictly in compliance with a certain technology, including:
- constructing a depression in the ground, focusing on the geometric parameters of the site (length, width), the thickness of the base and pouring concrete;
- crushed stone and sand base;
- installation of permanent wooden formwork;
- installation of a mortar bed (30 mm);
- installation of a waterproofing carpet (1 layer);
- pouring concrete mixture.
- Types and uses of garden rakes
- New Year in the yard: how to beautifully decorate the yard with your own hands!
- How to make a modern landscape design with your own hands?
In three weeks, when the concrete has reached proper curing, you can begin the next work. Decorate the walls and covering. Lay garden parquet, decking boards and ceramic tiles on the floor.
When making wooden flooring, a strip foundation is also used. This makes it possible to save time. In addition, it takes less effort and, most importantly, less money.
Choosing a place for a recreation area
The position of places to relax in a country house usually depends on the size of the site, its location and topography. Experts advise adhering to the following rules when choosing the design of a recreation area on a summer cottage:
- the rest area should be located away from the roadway to prevent the entry of dust, dirt and excess noise
- proximity to home will allow you to quickly move things or food if necessary
- location on the leeward side will allow you to enjoy your holiday even in windy weather
- so that the constant glances and conversations of neighbors or passers-by do not bother you - arrange a recreation area as far as possible from neighboring plots and the road
- Children's corners are advised to be located near the resting place of adults, so that children are supervised
These tips will allow you to get the most out of your time at the dacha.
Creating a Project
Any owner of a property wants to create a recreation area. But this does not always work out. Lack of knowledge and experience. And the services of specialists are expensive. Then special landscape design applications come to the rescue. They will help you make your dreams come true.
List of popular applications for the design of recreation areas:
- gardenia;
- realtime landscaping architect;
- realtime landscaping pro;
- smartDraw;
- punch home design;
- garden visualizer;
- plan-a-garden.
All that remains is to familiarize yourself with the applications. View all their features. Be careful - not all applications are free; you will have to pay to use some (of course, less than a landscape designer).
Flowers and flower beds
Flowers are a tiny detail that pleases the eye and heart. Start decorating the site by arranging flower beds and flower beds.
In stores today there are many flowerpots, pots and flowerpots. You can not complicate your life and simply purchase the option you like, or you can approach this process more creatively.
Use old things as pots. Suitcases, teapots, boots, hats, tires, chairs and much, much more are perfect for such purposes. You can also use plastic bottles: you don’t have to spend extra money, and nature benefits!
- Ornamental grass: review of the best decor options and instructions for using ornamental grass (170 photos)
- How to design a flowerbed - instructions, diagrams, types and options for proper placement of a flowerbed (140 photos)
- DIY flower beds - 180 photos of unusual ideas for beginners and features of their application
The best choice when arranging flower beds and flower beds is perennial flowers. You can decorate the flowerbed with tulips, lilies, irises, daffodils, crocuses, hyacinths, and roses.
Perennial non-flowering plants will also look great: hostas, sedums, chistets, reed grass, feather grass, basil, oregano, mint, etc.
When arranging a flower bed, you should take into account the height of the plants, flowering time and color scheme.
Just a lawn and beanbags
Parterre lawns are not intended to be used for their intended purpose - people do not walk on them, but only enjoy their beauty. But this is also a rest for the soul and psyche of a person who is tired of the bustle of the city.
Parterre lawn with walking paths Source
Moorish lawns are a typical flower meadow. These lawns are not mowed, but perennial grasses with different flowering periods and approximately the same stem height are planted. In such a meadow you can not only lay out a rug, but also put a sun lounger to sunbathe in the sun.
Moorish lawn Source
Moorish lawn Source
The modern style of designing recreation areas is a mixture of natural landscapes and furniture of the latest generation. So, now it is fashionable to use special soft seats at picnics - poufs, armchairs. Bean bags are frameless upholstered furniture for cottages and gardens. They can be in the shape of a drop, a pear, or a hemisphere. In addition to them, wicker frames-stands can be used.
A bean bag or superpouf as a modest arrangement for a recreation area near a private house Source Upholstered furniture for the garden - bean bags, table, pillows Source
Wicker hemispherical chairs Source Garden poufs in oriental style Source
Feeders for birds and animals can be an excellent option for decorating your garden plot. The feeder can be made from wood, an unnecessary bucket or a plastic bottle. Pour seeds or nuts there, attach a rope and secure it to a tree or balcony.
Waterfall or fountain
In truth, a fountain or waterfall requires a lot of time to maintain and operate, but it also brings no less pleasure.
Depending on the use of water, fountains are divided into 2 types: open and closed. The open type requires a constant supply of water, while the closed type uses the same volume.
Closed fountains are more economical and convenient. For closed-type fountains, you only need to periodically change the water and add new water.
When constructing an open-type fountain, it is necessary to think through and construct systems for supplying and discharging water, controlling its level and drainage.
To build such structures, you only need a water container, a pump, a filter, a small tube and tools, as well as decorative elements.
The fountain and waterfall can be decorated with rocks and pebbles, aquatic plants and waterproof lighting (LED waterproof lamps are best).
When constructing fountains and waterfalls, you should remember that you should not place them:
- near the house to prevent excessive saturation of the walls with moisture
- under open sunlight. In this case, the water will quickly bloom
- near trees, because the root part can disrupt the waterproofing, and leaves and seeds can clog the water
Hammock, swing or rocking chair
We're almost done with the aesthetic component. Now you need to take care of comfort.
To be able to relax as much as possible after a week in a stuffy metropolis or after a working day in the garden, hang a hammock in the area and install a swing or rocking chair.
Lying under the crowns of garden trees, feeling the subtle breeze of the breeze on your cheeks and inhaling the sweet aroma of apples and pears, it will be very easy and pleasant to succumb to sweet bliss.
Hardware stores offer many options for garden swings, hammocks and chairs. Buy the copy you like and place it on the site in accordance with safety requirements. If your budget is limited, build a hammock or rocking chair with your own hands, it’s not that difficult.
With outdoor furniture made from pallets
Garden furniture made from pallets is made in the form of tables, frames for soft seats or garden chests of drawers, folding shelves for storing various utensils. Transformable tables can be easily converted into a chair or a box for tools, dishes, and textiles.
On a note! If you want to make furniture from pallets with your own hands, then you can find Europallets in large furniture manufacturing companies, supermarkets, and various warehouses.
Festive furnishings - a low table made of pallets, painted white and multi-colored bean bags Source Garden set made of varnished pallets Source Sofa and table made of pallets on metal casters Source
Garden work chest made from pallets Source
Bar counter and stools made from pallets Source Sun loungers made from pallets Source
Garden complex made from pallets Source
A patio is an open-air paved courtyard adjacent to the house. A patio is a great option if you live in a climate where there is little rainfall. Otherwise, you can make a canopy.
In summer cottages, corner, multi-level and balcony patios are most often installed. Be sure to cover the floor with wood or stone.
Integral elements of the patio are a table and chairs. Optional - canopy, barbecue, grill, swimming pool. You can decorate your patio with a fountain, alpine slide, statues and flower beds.
The patio is great for family dinners, get-togethers with friends and relaxing after a day of work. If you decide to build a patio on your property, your guests and household members will certainly appreciate the comfort and convenience of this design.
Open hearth with benches
Open flames and a fire decorated into an original hearth will decorate any yard, where you can have a wonderful evening and diversify your relaxation, brightening up the time with intimate conversations and making plans.
Seating places are arranged around the hearth of various shapes; these can be wooden and metal benches with soft cushions, portable and hanging chairs, wicker furniture made from natural or artificial rattan.
Country gazebos come in open and closed types, “live” and with barbecue.
Open gazebos are the most popular option. They have a fairly simple design that you can make with your own hands. In open gazebos, air circulation is much better, but uncovered walls will not protect you from rain and strong winds.
Closed gazebos are like a small house. In such gazebos you can gather comfortably at any time of the year. However, in summer you will not feel close to nature.
“Living” gazebos are “built” from plants. For such arbors you only need a supporting structure for the plants, and then they will do their job. This option is very aesthetic, original and does not require much expense.
Closed area
By and large, it is a room that has been moved outside the house. This building has a dense roof.
As for the walls, the material for them can be:
- cane;
- sheathing;
- textile.
Near it, planting flower beds, shrubs and standard tree species is encouraged.
BBQ area
Arranging a grill area has recently become very popular, because unlike a barbecue, a barbecue can be used all year round. The stove is reliably protected from wind, precipitation, and sunlight.
The basis of the barbecue area is the hearth. In addition, it is very important to responsibly choose fire-resistant tiles/stones for finishing the space around the stove, as well as comfortable furniture.
In a barbecue oven you can bake meat, fish, vegetables, mushrooms, sausages and sausages. The dishes cooked in the barbecue are incredibly tasty. With such a treat, not a single guest will leave you hungry!
Children's Corner
The main principle of arranging a children's area is safety. Playgrounds should be located away from dust and noise, roadways, thorny and poisonous plants. The children's area should be located in a place accessible to parents and other adults.
All structures must be firmly fixed. The materials used must not be toxic. To protect from the sun's rays, you can place a canopy or umbrella.
In the play area you can make a sandbox, install a swing or a slide. You can also place a small house or tent on the playground, put a box of toys, a chalk board and much more.
Such a corner will become the children’s favorite place on the site.
The fence surrounding the site should also not be ignored. To make the fence more aesthetically pleasing, plant climbing plants next to it. Chinese lemongrass, ivy, clematis, climbing roses, honeysuckle, and grapes are perfect.
Another option for decorating a fence is painting it. Buy paints, pick up brushes, involve your children in the process and let your imagination run wild!
When choosing lighting, you must consider safety rules:
- The lighting plan should be drawn up before laying paths and creating other decorative elements
- The wiring must be safe, all its elements must be moisture and dust resistant, the cable must be in a protective corrugation, etc.
- lamps must be energy saving
Finishing touches
Having invested a lot of effort, patience and money, you have organized a beautiful recreation area. Now your garden plot not only looks great, but also has rich functionality.
There is a place for both energetic children and tired adults. All that's left to do is turn on the music, cook a delicious dinner and invite your friends!
If you took our advice, share your experience and attach a few photos of the recreation area in your dacha!
DIY garden furniture
Garden furniture should not only be comfortable, but also resistant to adverse weather conditions. It is advisable that tables, chairs, sun loungers, etc. did not fade in the sun, did not fall apart due to moisture or temperature changes.
Therefore, most often they choose furniture made of wood, plastic or metal for the garden. We offer various ideas for inspiration.
DIY wooden garden furniture
One of the most affordable and popular materials for making garden furniture is wood. You can buy a set or make it yourself. Wooden pallets, boards and even stumps are suitable for these purposes. Homemade wooden tables and chairs can significantly transform the entire garden.
To make your garden furniture last longer, give it time before the start of the season.
- How to update your garden furniture for summer
Has your garden furniture lost its attractive appearance after winter? It can be updated and quickly put in order using our tips.
Wooden pallets are especially popular among designers and novice furniture makers. They can be quickly converted into a variety of tables, chairs, loungers, shelves and other furniture. And bright colors that will disguise the unsightly appearance of wood will help change the material beyond recognition.
However, it is not necessary to paint the pallets if you cover them with textiles and decorate them with decorative pillows. Gray wood has its own chic and brutality. Three pallets assembled together will make a cozy sofa; just put a soft foam seat in a cover on it.
In such a sofa, arrange storage space by making drawers. A thick mattress and pillows will turn it into a comfortable place to relax on the terrace or veranda. Nearby you can provide a small table, also made from a pallet, which will be decorated with flowers in a pot.
You only need two pallets to make a hanging swing, coffee table or outdoor bench. And multi-colored paints will add brightness to the furniture and make it stand out from the general background.
The pallets will also yield other useful items for the site.
- 14 unusual ideas for using pallets in the country
Do you have a couple of old wooden pallets at your disposal? Yes, you are a rich man, because you can build so many interesting things from them!
And, of course, garden furniture of various shapes and sizes can be made from wooden boards. Skillful hands will help realize any ideas and projects, for example, building a bench like this around a tree trunk.
The dining room set can be made from logs or stumps, if you have not yet uprooted them. You just need to treat the surfaces well and cover them with varnish or paint. For the tabletop, use thick planks to match the makeshift stools.
As you can see, even stumps have a use on the site. Crafts made from them will decorate both the garden and the house.
- Crafts from stumps: 3 ideas for beginners and masters
Are there any stumps from old trees on the property? Don’t rush to uproot them: a little imagination and work - and new art objects will appear in the garden.
A felled tree can also be used to create garden furniture. Such an original chaise longue will be made from a trunk cut into equal pieces. They need to be secured to a solid metal base.
Tables, chairs and even rocking chairs can be made from wooden wire spools. You won’t have to work hard on them, as well as on the pallets. For the table, attach a new tabletop on top or fill the holes and paint one of the sides.
Making a rocking chair is a little more difficult. Here you will need carpentry tools to cut out the shaped armrests. Make holes along the circle (3-5 cm from the edge) at equal distances, thread ropes through them and tie them. The knots will prevent the structure from turning over.
It is quite easy to make a garden bench from wooden beams and blocks left over from construction work. For greater strength, the blocks should be connected with mortar. Paint the beams in a bright color and thread them through the holes in the blocks. To decorate such a bench, sofa cushions that contrast with it in color are suitable.
There are other uses for concrete blocks on the site.
- What to do with leftover concrete blocks - 10 interesting ideas
Are there any unnecessary concrete blocks left after building a house? We'll show you how to use them.
Garden furniture made from car tires
Even old car and bicycle tires can become garden furniture. They will make original armchairs and poufs. Seal the holes with weaving or cover with a pillow with soft filling.
Delight your children by building these “smiling” swings for them. Attach a wooden board to half of the car tire. Install door brackets on it, and under them - eyes from Kinder Surprise containers. Paint the swing and the outside of the tire blue, the inside red, and the eyes and teeth white.
Children will not remain indifferent to the hanging tire swing, decorated with a funny pattern or an original knitted cover. In this form, the tires will attract much more attention than as a boring frame for flower beds.
Garden furniture made from metal barrels
Chairs and tables for the garden can also be made from old metal barrels, having first cleaned them of any remaining contents and rust. Here you will need a grinder and another metal tool to carefully cut them and give them the desired shape. Sharp edges should be covered with rubber protection. Agree, such furniture looks unusual and original.
But it’s not only garden furniture that adds coziness and makes the relaxation area unique. It will be decorated by flowers planted nearby and properly selected lighting.
Photo of the recreation area at the dacha
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