Plot of 6 acres: how to place everything correctly, arrangement with photo examples, do-it-yourself landscape design

Review author: Terra Design School

Many urban families have a country house. As a rule, the local area of ​​a dacha is limited, often the dacha plot is 6 acres.

This place needs to be carefully planned so that there remains an area for a country house, a recreation area, and an area for children’s games. Initially, they think about what they want to see on this site, setting priorities so that there is enough space for all plans.

Site planning stages

  1. Analysis of the available space before drawing up the project. This includes measuring the area of ​​the site and recording indicators;
  2. After the analysis has been carried out and measurements have been taken, you can draw up a plan on paper or electronically. Layout of the site with a schematic image will help calculate costs in the next stage;
  3. Calculation of costs for the implementation of the project;
  4. Marking the territory indicating the boundaries of the site for the construction of objects, paths and a vegetable garden with a garden.

There are also principles that must be followed when creating the design of a plot of 6 acres:

  • Building a house is a very important stage; you need to plan what kind of house you want to see;
  • The remaining elements and buildings should be conveniently located in relation to the house;
  • All zones must be functional and interact with each other;
  • Do not forget about the landscape design of the site, using decoration in the form of decoration and using landscaping;
  • Landscape design will help make the area visually larger, making it cozy.

It is important to write down all the little details at the planning stage, because they will affect the overall picture of the territory.

Possible mistakes

Mistakes made during planning can lead to unexpected consequences, the rework of which is often very expensive. Please pay attention to :

  1. Functional purpose of the site. You need to immediately determine whether a residential building will be built or not. The direction of breading and the amount of money spent depend on this decision.
  2. The expediency of filling each zone. Overloading with elements and plants creates tension in the space. It is necessary to leave empty seats.
  3. Maintaining style and distances. The random arrangement of objects leads to a mixture of styles and deprives the territory of an organized order.
  4. Taking into account the characteristics of the site. It is impossible to ignore the level of groundwater, the location of the cardinal points, and the subtleties of the relief.

If natural factors are neglected or design principles are not followed, this leads to problems during the operation of the site.

What can be built on the territory

A house on a plot of 6 acres cannot stand alone; it must be supplemented with other objects and places for various pastimes:

  • Bath;
  • A garage or place equipped for parking a car;
  • A gazebo or resting place;
  • A platform where you can put a barbecue;
  • Children's playground;
  • Place for landing.

Types of lamps

Lanterns based on the base are ideal for illuminating the area. They create supports that can be placed separately or used as fastenings for various objects.

It is better to avoid hanging lamps. In extreme cases, they are limited to equipping buildings with devices.

Construction standards on the site

It’s not enough to plan a garden plot and build buildings on it; you also need to do this in accordance with SNiP standards:

  • A distance of at least 6 meters must be between houses located on adjacent plots;
  • There must be a gap of at least 3 meters from the location of the house to the red travel line;
  • Various buildings, paths and car garages should occupy no more than 30% of the area;
  • There should be one meter or more from the border of the site to the toilet or shed;
  • The place for the septic tank from the foundation of the house should be located no closer than 5 meters;
  • The distance from the house to the barn and toilet should start from 8 meters or more;
  • The barbecue area should be located no closer than 3 meters from the house;
  • If there is a forest nearby, the boundary of the site should be no closer than 15 meters to it.

Lighting Features

A small garden plot requires additional lighting. This is convenient in the evening. Properly distributed light has a beneficial effect on the perception of space. The territory seems larger and more interesting.

Choice – bathhouse or gazebo?

In the photo of a plot of 6 acres you can see that often there is either a bathhouse or a gazebo on the plot. You don’t have to think about which building to put on the local area, but combine them and build both under one roof. Then the gazebo will act as both a place for relaxation, a dressing room, and an open area.

It is not necessary to build a whole complex; you can make compact buildings, and next to them, place a small pond as decoration or equip an area for a barbecue.

Nuances of zoning

An important rule in the process of drawing up a site project is the competent zoning of space. For a small area, it is important to create compact platforms that are interchangeable in functionality.

Choice – garage or parking space?

Site diagrams show that the place where the car will be parked must be planned on the territory. If you want to decorate your driveway with tiles, then it is better to abandon this idea. The tiles need to be carefully maintained, but they will quickly lose their original appearance.

If there is a garage on the site, it must be located at a distance of 6 meters from the house, according to building codes.

Other units of measurement

10 m how many cm

Having figured out how many acres are in a hectare of land, it is easy to translate indicators from ancient Russian measurement systems. The same applies to reverse translation of values.


It is useful for people studying history and historical documents to know that a tithe of land is how much in acres. This unit of measurement was used when calculating the area of ​​land. It was actively used before the introduction of the metric system. At the same time, there were several varieties of this value, for example, the government tithe was equal to 2400 fathoms squared.

For a visual representation, tithes mentally draw a territory with a length of 80 fathoms and a width of 30 fathoms. There may be another option - 40 fathoms wide and 60 fathoms long. A similar unit of measurement has been used since the 14th century. At first, two quarters were used to determine it. If you need to imagine a tithe in the form of a square, then each side is equal to 2500 fathoms squared or 1/10 of a verst.

In Ancient Rus' there were several types of tithes:

  • A hundredth tithe is equal to 10,000 fathoms squared. It can be imagined as a square plot with sides of 100 fathoms.
  • Economic tithe was also called scythe. Essentially, this is a plot of 40x80 fathoms or 3.2 thousand squares.
  • Another type of economic tithe is round. This is a square territory with a side of 60 fathoms or 3.6 thousand squares.
  • A plot measuring 10x80 is also called a melon tithe. If you measure the area in square fathoms, then it is 80 squares.


Now it’s the turn to consider an acre of land - how many hundred square meters? This land measure is used in countries with the English measurement system, for example, in the USA, Great Britain, Australia and Canada.

When converting acres, use the following rules, 1 acre is equal to:

  • 0.004 square kilometers or 1/250 km²;
  • 4 ore;
  • 4840 yards square;
  • 0.405 ha;
  • 0.00405 acres;
  • 0.37 dessiatines;
  • 888.97 fathoms square;
  • 40.46856 are;
  • 1/640 miles squared;
  • 1/30 of the land yards.

Previously, an acre referred to the area of ​​land that one farmer cultivated in a day. In our country this unit of measurement is not used.

How to design a garden

Many people, when buying a plot, refuse to plant a vegetable garden, preferring a garden, but over time they still form several beds for vegetables. It is better to refuse a greenhouse in such a small space: it will only occupy the territory. It is better to make several small neat beds. Some even make multi-tiered plantings to save space.

Flower beds will take up a little space, but with them the area will look cozier and more beautiful. It is better to plan all the plantings in advance, so that later you can lay paths between them immediately. The material for paths can be very different - from natural stone or wood to artificial plastic tiles.

If you are planning garden trees or shrubs, you need to choose a place for planting taking into account how much space the adult tree will subsequently occupy. You can put figures for decoration between trees and flower beds.

For relax

If the dacha is intended for recreation, then the area is divided into zones based on interests. Planting is often limited to lawns and flower beds.

The addition will be a few fruit trees and isolated beds for greenery. Attention is directed to the functionality for a variety of recreation: gazebos, sun loungers, playgrounds, sports grounds.

Playground for children

What you definitely shouldn’t give up if you have children is a playground. It will not take up much space, but children will have their own area to play.

You can make a site with your own hands, purchase a ready-made version, or order individual construction. It is important to take care of its safety by choosing a reliable coating and high-quality materials.

? What is the price of land

How many acres, square meters, kilometers and acres are in one hectare of land? meters, acres, ares, hectares: meaning, table. how to calculate how many hectares are in one hundredth or one square meter, are: converting hundredths into hectares

There are two types of valuation for land plots:

  1. Market.
  2. Cadastral.

The market value is not related to the cadastral value. In some cases, these two values ​​coincide, but you should not rely only on the cadastral value when selling real estate.

Cadastral and market values ​​have different areas of practical application. Cadastral valuation is determined by appraisers hired by executive authorities. When determining it, a number of factors that may affect the value of land are not taken into account. For example, the presence of a summer house on the site suitable for living.

Cadastral valuation:

  • used to determine the tax base when calculating land tax, when determining the amount of rent or determining the redemption price (if the tenant decides to purchase land from the state), when assessing a fine for the misuse of a land plot;
  • taken into account by notaries to calculate the amount of state duty for entering into inheritance rights;
  • often overestimated and different from the market average. Attempts to sell a plot at cadastral value will most likely fail, but when introducing such an assessment, legislators aimed to increase tax collection, and not to help owners determine the price for selling a plot.

Market value is the price for which a given plot, taking into account its features and individual characteristics, can be purchased in current economic realities. It is she who appears in the land purchase and sale agreements.

The market valuation of a land plot is also taken into account by banks when issuing a mortgage loan, as well as by courts in the process of challenging the cadastral valuation of real estate.

Are you planning to purchase a plot of land in the coming year?

YesNo, I’ll wait until the price of the land goes downNo, I plan to sellNo, I have a plotI don’t plan

Design solutions

If a plot of 6 acres seems small to you and you think that it cannot be decorated with decorative elements, you are mistaken. The main thing is to adhere to the following rules and requirements when using decor:

  1. It is better to avoid massive elements. For a small space it is better to use less massive objects and plantings. The area can also be made green with the help of plants that will stretch along the wall of the building, for example, by planting ivy;
  2. A small pond can be placed on the site, and a table and bench can be placed nearby;
  3. The delimitation of space can be done using hedges or small wooden fences. You can even make the figures yourself. The main thing is to choose materials that will withstand weather conditions;
  4. It is also important to think about lighting, because with its help you can advantageously decorate the territory;
  5. It is better to abandon outbuildings if there is no urgent need for them. This way, space will be saved, and the appearance of the site will not be affected;
  6. The design can be diversified by abandoning straight lines. Plantings in a checkerboard pattern, winding paths - all this will look more advantageous than straight, strict lines;
  7. Do not forget that the site should look beautiful not only in summer, but also in winter. Evergreen and coniferous plantings will help decorate it in winter.

Light distribution

To illuminate the area, it is better to provide separate switching of devices by zones. Illumination of the entire area at the same time is rarely used. More often, local “beacons” are needed.

Small solar-powered flashlights are suitable for illuminating unimportant objects. Such devices are easy to use, they do not consume electricity, and are not connected by wires.

Photo of the layout and design of a plot of 6 acres

How many square meters in one hundred square meters - Answer

  1. To begin with, you need to drive four stakes around the entire perimeter of the site, i.e. at four corners to form borders.
  2. Then we arm ourselves with a tape measure to measure the length and width of the area. It is enough to measure only two sides, because... the other two will be the same size. Let's say that our length is 38 meters and width is 24 meters. We write down this data on paper.
  3. Let's remember our geometry lessons by calculating the area of ​​a rectangle, i.e. S = a (length)* b (width). Total, S = 38 * 24 = 912 square meters.
  4. Now you need to find out how many acres are in this plot of land. To do this, the resulting area (912 m2) must be divided by 100. We got 9.12 acres.

Standard indicators

Don’t rush to explore the space that has opened up in front of you. This is not done on a whim. Inexperienced gardeners may find this information strange, but it turns out that there are certain standards for summer cottage construction. They indicate the maximum dimensions of houses and the number of auxiliary outbuildings. There you will find information about regulatory authorities, so you will know where to go to register an individual building and how to do it correctly. The documents will answer many questions. They will talk about what distance should be between buildings, how they can be placed relative to the boundaries of the territory, what sanitary standards to follow and what fire safety rules to follow. There are papers regulating interneighbor relations, rules for planting plants, and much other useful and obligatory information.

Paths, flower beds, fence

The flowerbed is located near the main entrance or gazebo; it should be illuminated by the sun's rays. Access to it is provided freely. It is often performed in the form of a sandy path. Also, a flower garden is planted near a fence or trees if the plants do not like heat. Alleys are made from natural material.

Flower beds along the stone path leading to a cozy gazebo in the back of the site

Based on the chosen style, they are given a special shape. A high fence is not very appropriate. If possible, it is better to make it medium, not gloomy, and place it around the site.

Empty corners of the fences visually constrain the space of an already small area. Place any small forms in them - a small gazebo, a pergola with a bench or a podium with flowers

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