What does a household filter purify water from and how to choose it correctly

Water from natural sources is a complex multicomponent system containing a huge variety of dissolved minerals, organic compounds, colloidal impurities and mechanical inclusions. Before a liquid becomes suitable and safe for drinking and consumption, it undergoes multi-stage purification. At the outlet of water treatment systems, tap water meets drinking standards. But it overcomes a difficult path from the water utility to the faucet in the house through pipes, where sediments often accumulate, changing its composition. Water from a well can surprise you with its biochemical composition, which directly depends on the location of the aquifer. Installing water filtration for a home or apartment helps purify water from impurities, preserve health and extend the life of household appliances.

All about water filtration

What is water filtration? This term refers to all cleaning methods in which aqueous solutions under pressure of varying strength are passed through the porous structure of a filter substance, devices or materials capable of retaining suspended and dissolved particles of a certain structure and size.

The selection of sorbents and methods of water purification during filtration is primarily determined by the initial composition of the water.

  1. Mechanical cleaning systems that allow you to remove large contaminants: silt, sand, grains of earth, scale - all solid inclusions, the size of which is several microns. This is the initial stage of any water filtration system.
  2. Filters based on sorbents, where polluting compounds are selectively absorbed and deposited in the surface layers of sorbent material: activated carbon, zeolite, silica gel.
  3. Multicomponent loadings in ion exchange filters, where each layer of resins binds a certain type of contaminant.
  4. Reverse osmosis membranes, filtration through the elements of which is carried out under excessive hydrostatic pressure of varying strength applied to the aqueous solution being purified.


Trunk filters for fine water purification (FTP) pass water through membranes that differ in design. They are generally made from numerous meshes or a plastic block filled with granular material. Often such filters reduce water pressure, which not only causes a decrease in human comfort when using the water supply, but also leads to the failure of household appliances that are connected to the water supply system. To avoid such unpleasant situations, before purchasing a liquid purifier, read the pressure drop indicators. Manufacturers, as a rule, indicate such information in the product passport.

The optimal value for this characteristic is a number from 0.1 to 0.5 bar. The throughput of the FTO should vary from 20 to 50 liters per minute.

Types of impurities and benefits of filtered water

Water filtration is the process of removing suspended impurities, chemical compounds, biogenic components, and dissolved gases from natural aqueous solutions. The main indicators that need adjustment in tap water obtained from wells or boreholes are:

  • high content of metal salts - iron and manganese,
  • mechanical impurities,
  • hydrogen sulfide,
  • increased rigidity,
  • colloidal organic compounds,
  • bacteria and microorganisms.

Water filtration systems are selected after analyzing the source of supply, and the quality is always assessed according to the following parameters:

  1. Physical: temperature, transparency and color, smell and taste, presence of sediment.
  2. Chemical: pH value, oxidability, salt content, composition of dissolved gases, concentration of metal and non-metal ions, organic colloidal impurities.
  3. Biogenic: absence of pathogenic microorganisms, bacteria, viruses.

Thorough water treatment is necessary when obtaining water from a borehole or dug well, as is the filtration of drinking water from a public water supply - after all, they travel a long way through pipes to your apartment. The liquid, filtered through complex purification systems, is transparent in appearance and has a pleasant taste. It is saturated with compounds beneficial to the body in normal quantities. Thanks to the elimination of excess ions, hardness salts, and iron compounds from it, there is no scale or deposits on the heating elements of hydraulic engineering. Dishes, sanitary ware and laundry remain clean. Softened water has a beneficial effect on the skin and hair, and reduces the consumption of soap and detergent compositions. The water filtration system in the house is selected based on chemical analysis.

Popular filter models

Now let's look at the most popular cleaning systems, simultaneously examining the principles by which they operate.

Table 1. Popular models

Filters, photosDescription
Mechanical cleaningAmong the mechanical cleaning filters responsible for coarse filtration, the following models can be distinguished: Atoll AFR (a set of 2 filters), Geyser 1P, BVT Protector, New Voda Prio. Prices for these filters vary from 6,000 to 10,000 rubles. The price of products does not indicate the ultimate superiority of more expensive models in quality - the brand also plays a big role. They buy them often and willingly, since plumbing needs protection from large sand particles.
Ionic filtersThese filters help disinfect water and provide it with good taste and beneficial substances. They are structurers with bioceramics or tourmaline inside. When heated, tourmaline (a special type of quartz sand) emits electrical impulses that create magnetic fields, due to which the ionization process occurs, killing microbes. Among such filters, products from the companies Novaya Voda, Afwafor, Barrier and Geyser are especially popular. The average cost of an ionizer fluctuates around 2,500 rubles.

Reverse osmosis

Since we actually have at least 5 degrees of purification, the price of such equipment will be significantly higher than that of other analogues. Such a system actually consists of three parts. The first is rough cleaning (3 lower cartridges), the second is a membrane filter (the most expensive part), the third is post cleaning and mineralization. The first filters last for 5-6 months. The membrane lasts on average for a year, and post-cleaning can be changed every two years. The prices are affected by the following parameters:
  • number of degrees, purification;
  • presence of a structurer;
  • presence of a UV lamp;
  • material of the storage tank body and its capacity;
  • presence of a pump;
  • quality of workmanship of crane parts and other parts. In general, prices have a very wide spread, starting from 3-4 thousand rubles, and tending upward. The main manufacturers of reverse osmosis, whose products are in demand in the Russian Federation, are: Geyser Prestige, Aquaphor, Atoll. Among other foreign devices, we note the products of the Expert company.

Aeration system

Here the producers Geyser, Rosvoda, Runxin stand out. They come in four types: electrochemical, pressure, non-pressure and simplified. We will not go into details, but, in general, the essence is that the water is saturated with oxygen, which causes the oxidation of certain substances, for example, iron, hydrogen sulfide or manganese, turning them from solution into large mechanical inclusions that settle in the system. This also disinfects the water. Ozonation systems work on the same principle, only instead of oxygen, pure ozone is supplied, which causes oxidation processes even better.

So, we have looked at the different types of filters and understood the purpose for which each of them is included in the drinking water purification system. Now let's see how to install such equipment.

All about groundwater filtration

Each owner’s own well promises clean water on their land plot. In practice, everything turns out to be not so rosy. Groundwater is characterized by a significant content of mineral salts and small impurities of organic substances. Often surface and groundwater communicate with each other, which changes their chemical balance. Filtration of water from a well is necessary in all cases to give it consumer qualities, and the choice of system should be based on chemical analysis of water samples.

When choosing methods for filtering water from a well or well, the quality of the aqueous solution from the source of the water supply at different times of the year is taken into account; the degree and possibility of contamination by domestic and industrial wastewater. The composition of natural water is constantly changing due to ongoing oxidation-reduction processes, mixing of waters from different sources, and the precipitation of salts present in them. Standard indicators change with changes in temperature and pressure, the ascent of dispersed particles, due to ion exchange between the oceans, between sea and fresh water. Changes occur when groundwater is enriched with microelements due to biochemical processes. The quality of water from a local underground water supply source must be periodically checked for changes in properties, composition, concentration of impurities contained in it, and the water treatment hydraulic system must be adjusted.

How to install and maintain the device

Before installing the FGO, you need to know the basic rules for handling it. For the device to work correctly, you must:

  1. It is best to install a purification device in front of the water meter. Often plumbers encounter a situation where there is not enough space to install a coarse filter in the right place. In this case, it would be advisable to install an oblique model. It is able to catch small particles of dirt and also protect the meter from damage.
  2. The oblique filter must be installed on a horizontal pipe. In this case, after installation, the flask, which acts as a sump, should be located at the bottom. It is also important to find out in which direction the water flow is directed. Based on this information, you should install a filter.
  3. Installation of an oblique filter is also possible on a vertical pipe, but you should be aware that the water flow in this case should be directed from top to bottom. If the cleaning mechanism is installed the other way around, with the sump facing up, dirt will still not seep through the mesh, but the FGO will quickly fail.
  4. The straight filter can only be installed on horizontal pipes. In this case, it is necessary to leave space so that, if necessary, it is possible to remove the flask to clean the device.
  5. Filters that have a self-cleaning function must be equipped with a backwash design. This can be done by installing a bypass loop in which several taps should be installed. The latter serve to switch the fluid in the system to counter flow.
  6. During operation, the device must be periodically cleaned of accumulated dirt, the mesh and cartridge (if any) must be replaced. Most often, such maintenance is necessary for non-rinsable filters.
  7. Before any work related to dismantling the filter installed in the water supply, it is necessary to relieve the pressure from the system. To do this, stop the water supply by turning off the tap.
  8. A plug with a hexagonal head for a wrench is installed on the body of the oblique filters. Experts recommend unscrewing it to replace the paronite gasket with a winding of tow. This modification will increase the tightness of the system.
  9. For straight filters installed vertically, the flask can also be removed with a wrench. In some models, the screw can be unscrewed with a figured key, which is sold complete with the device. After cleaning the filter from contamination, it is necessary to replace all rubber gaskets with new ones to avoid leaks.
  10. When servicing the fluid cleaning device, accumulated dirt in the reservoir must be removed. The mesh also needs to be removed and washed thoroughly under a stream of water. If a part is found to have structural defects, it must be replaced with a new one. Spare parts for FGO can be found at any plumbing store. In cartridge-type devices, the cartridge will need to be replaced.
  11. A household filter for purifying tap water with an automatic flushing device is much easier to maintain. To remove dirt from its body, it is enough to open the tap in the lower part of the FGO body. The mesh and the insides of the body are washed independently under a strong stream of water. All debris will flow out through the drainage pipe. Don't forget to place a basin so that the liquid does not spill onto the floor.
  12. The most advanced filter is one with a backwash device. If it is clogged, it is cleaned with water directed in the opposite direction. In this case, the mesh is cleaned much better.

Rough cleaning with a filter element does not solve all problems aimed at improving the quality of drinking water. They are mainly used to protect household appliances and water meters. Drinking liquid from the tap after such filtration (without additional processing) is still not recommended.

All types of water filtration

Modern water treatment plants have different design features adapted to the tasks being solved. The number of water filtration stages is calculated taking into account the results of chemical analysis of water samples, desired indicators and estimated volumes.

Mechanical water filtration - what is it?

Regardless of the source of water supply, the first stage of filtration is the initial purification of water from suspended microparticles: sediment, sand, scale, rust. Removal of impurities occurs by flowing water through coarse filters of the cartridge, mesh, or disk type.

  1. Cartridge filters consist of a housing and an inserted replaceable cartridge with cellular (1–5 microns) filter material. They are convenient to use and easy to install.
  2. Wash filters with plastic or metal mesh to retain debris. They can be equipped with an auto-rinse function or with manual removal of accumulated debris.
  3. In disk devices, water penetrates through holes in the recesses of the plates during their compression, and contaminants are retained on the surface filter layer.

Most often, combined filtration is used from a mesh or disk filter and the following cartridge.

Sorption purification

A convenient sorption method is based on the fixation of impurity particles on the active surface of the sorbent due to physicochemical processes. The most common materials are: coal, polypropylene, aluminosilicates. Activated carbon with the addition of dolomite is used for water purification in everyday life in the form of cartridges and main complex water treatment filters. It effectively removes chlorine compounds, organics, and bacteriological impurities from water, while maintaining the salt composition. Selective addition of ion exchange resins to filter media allows the removal of other contaminants, including heavy metals. Carbon filters purchased for filtering water in an apartment can be mounted under the sink. They are installed separately or as part of a comprehensive treatment system together with reverse osmosis units.

Removal of iron, manganese, turbidity, hydrogen sulfide

It is advisable to carry out high-quality purification of water from iron (and manganese present) using aeration and reagent filter systems with catalytic loading. These can be natural or specially created materials: sulfonated coal, pyrolusite, MGS, Birm. Pressure and non-pressure aeration columns help rid water of dissolved hydrogen sulfide, oxidize iron compounds to insoluble forms, followed by filtration. Deferrization of water by cationization is used when it is necessary to simultaneously remove Fe and salts that cause hardness, when the treated aqueous solution is not enriched with oxygen on the way to the cation exchange filter.


Filtration is one of the methods of water softening. Hardness is due to the presence of Ca and Mg ions, which form insoluble bicarbonates under certain conditions. They cause scale deposits on household appliances and industrial equipment. To eliminate this, ion exchange filters are used. They are used as independent elements or in combination with cartridge carbon blocks. Unlike conventional filtration through granular materials, when the composition of the aqueous solution does not change, the ion exchange method uses a directed change in the ionic composition of the aqueous solution. Water flows are passed through fine-grained ion exchange materials - ion exchangers, with which special tanks - ion exchange filters - are pre-filled.

Reverse osmosis

Membrane methods of water filtration are used in reverse osmosis installations. They operate on the basis of the physical-chemical process of baromembrane separation. The main element of the reverse osomtic line is a semipermeable selective membrane. Under the influence of pressure, the water flow is divided into filtrate, passing through the membrane holes, and concentrate, retained on the surface of the filters. The cleaning efficiency depends on the type of membrane, the figure ranges from 60 to 99.5%. To saturate the water with useful compounds, mineralizers are installed at the outlet of the reverse osmosis unit.


Water filtration and disinfection methods include chlorination. When drawing water from an artificially created well, in order to save the consumption of fine filters, UV disinfectants are introduced into the filtration circuit. The operation of sterilizers is based on the effect of ultraviolet rays with a wavelength of 200-400 nm on purified water. The standard indicator for mercury-argon and mercury-quartz lamps of bactericidal radiation is 260 nm. The lamps are hidden in a special quartz casing that protects them from water flow and prevents cooling of the emitting element. Several lamps can be placed in one housing.

Rating of the best brands

After everything we have said, it’s time to compare specific water purification filters, or rather their brands. Moreover, we will present this comparison in the form of a rating, which is based on reviews from real users.

Filter installation for sink Ikar

The Ikar brand installation is the undisputed leader in the household water treatment market. The system is characterized by low power consumption of 50 W. The cost of purified water does not exceed 3 rubles per liter.

The water obtained at the outlet of the installation is not inferior in quality to that of Baikal.

Russian Aquaphor (Aquaphor)

The Aquaphor brand produces products for almost any budget. You can easily buy replacement cartridges for these products. The most popular Aquaphor jug-type filters include:

  • Ocean;
  • Prestige;
  • Premium

Flow filters of this brand are also widely available. The most popular flow-through models from Aquaphor are:

  • Trio;
  • Crystal;
  • Favorite.

Systems operating on the principle of reverse osmosis are also produced under the Aquaphor brand. Their very good quality is the reason for the great demand for these products. Various modifications of the Morion and OSMO installations are especially appreciated.

If the water contains a lot of manganese, you can clean it like this...

Domestic Barrier

Barrier, like Aquaphor, produces filter jugs, simple table-top flow-through devices, as well as flow-through systems of a more complex design and purifiers operating using a reverse osmosis scheme.

The most popular Barrier brand jugs include:

  • Extra;
  • Smart;
  • Grandee.

There is also a wide range of flow filters, which can be selected based on the type of water used. The most popular models of Barrier brand flow filters include:

  • Expert;
  • Standard;
  • Pro.

Reverse osmosis from Barrier is presented in the following models:

  • WaterFort Osmo;
  • SPACE;
  • Pro OSMO.

Taiwanese Aqualine

This affordable Taiwanese manufacturer specializes in the production of reverse osmosis and flow-through systems.

His product is unusual in that the first filter flask is transparent. This ensures greater ease of maintenance. The convenient Quick Connect system is used to install the flasks. A mineralizer can be installed after the membrane.

Models of this brand:

  • flow-through washer Aqualine Standard;
  • reverse osmosis – Aqualine RO-5 and RO-6.

South Korean Raifil

The South Korean manufacturer Raifil is also one of the popular brands. Its ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis systems are considered among the best.

Reverse osmosis systems use high-performance pumps, as well as universal flasks. That is, flasks can be used from any other manufacturers. The most famous models from Raifil are:

  • ultrafilters – Novo;
  • reverse osmosis – RO.

So, we have outlined as much information as possible, which we hope will allow you to choose the best filter for your family. And at the same time successfully fit into the budget that you have allocated for this purchase.

What to consider when choosing water filtration units

What is best for water filtration is decided by the customer himself. The selection of filtration systems must be carried out individually, depending on the type of water supply source and the task at hand. In one case, it may be enough to install a filter jug ​​in the kitchen or a filter unit under the sink, but in another, a main filter is needed for the entire water supply system in a house, apartment or office with several stages of sequential cleaning. When actively drawing water from a well, it is necessary to assess the change in the composition of water over time and study the characteristics of the occurrence of water in your area. The final filtration scheme for water, regardless of the source of supply, must be drawn up based on the results of a laboratory study of its composition, taking into account the expected flow rate, productivity, the required degree of purification, and features of equipment maintenance.

Operating principle of FGO

The operating principle of a household filter for purifying tap water is quite simple. Inside the body of the product there is a mesh or cartridge. The flow of water passing through the filter element improves its composition. The purified liquid is supplied to the consumer through a mixer. If the water is of poor quality, then it is additionally passed through a fine water tap household filter.

Devices for rough purification of tap water differ from each other in the following parameters:

  1. Dimensions.
  2. Types of blocks for filtering.
  3. Lifetime.
  4. Throughput for a certain period of time.
  5. External dimensions of the device.
  6. The material from which the device is made.

Water filtration systems from Diasel Engineering

We offer an effective selection of water filtration systems based on a site survey with an analysis of the design of water intake networks and structures, sampling and water testing in an accredited research and production laboratory. Our own production of water treatment plants allows us to solve water treatment problems on an individual basis, carry out timely modernization and post-warranty maintenance of installed filtration systems. You can contact us in any way convenient for you: by phone 8-499-391-39-59, by mail, or order a call back.


The main advantage of a filter in the form of a jug is that its use does not require technical work to connect to the water supply. Immediately after purchase, you can start using the device.

The filter is simple and portable. You can take it with you to the dacha or on a trip, and you can also freely rearrange it in the kitchen to any convenient place.

It is also easy to replace the cartridge yourself by familiarizing yourself with the principle of its fastening in the funnel. It can be inserted into a hole or screwed into place.

Another advantage is the affordable price. Compared to other filtration methods, this is the cheapest option and is in no way inferior in efficiency.


The noticeable deterioration of the environmental situation on the planet has exacerbated the need to purify the water entering homes more than ever. Although theoretically it undergoes a certain disinfection and filtration, the output quality of the liquid leaves much to be desired. In order not to endanger your health, it is recommended to use special household water filters. They are available for sale in a wide range, so choosing the right option should not be a problem.

People with average incomes quite often acquire flow-type filtering devices. If the water in the pipes is very dirty, a more expensive reverse osmosis purifier will help solve the problem. As for filter jugs, they are more likely to serve an auxiliary purpose.


The repair guarantee only covers breakdowns and defects that are solely the fault of the manufacturer. In order for the consumer’s claims to be accepted, you need to fill out a warranty card, where you need to indicate the date, model, serial number, and seller’s stamp.

If defects are discovered in the product you purchased, you can make demands under the terms of the article “On the Protection of Consumer Rights.”

Also note that the warranty is valid in cases where the consumer complies with all the rules specified in the operating instructions.


The Aquaphor company from Russia produces all of the above models of water filters for apartments. The offered range of products is able to provide a solution to the problem of how to choose a water filter for a client with any requirements. Replacement cartridges for Aquaphor cleaning jugs are sold in almost any supermarket, not just in specialized stores. This makes it possible to very quickly find and change a worn-out filter. Cartridges are presented in several varieties, but the most popular models are “Ocean”, “Prestige”, “Aquaphor Premium”.

The Aquaphor company produces flow filters for drinking water in several varieties. Modern polypropylene-based Aqualen material is used to fill the filters. This substance was invented by the company's engineers, which is proven by the corresponding patent. Aquaphor flow systems are equipped with dismountable cartridges. This makes it possible to add or change the filler. There are also non-separable varieties that have to be replaced entirely.

When deciding which water filter to choose for your home, it is recommended to pay attention to the following models of flow-through installations - “Trio”, “Crystal”, “Favorite”. Reverse osmosis complexes from this manufacturer are also very popular. This is due to good quality, availability of components and inexpensive cost. The place of manufacture of the main part of the system (membrane) is China and Taiwan. This fact is usually attributed to the weak points of such filters. There are many types of reverse osmosis devices.

Terms of use

In order for the filter to last for a long time, follow the rules of its operation. After purchase, wash the tank and funnel thoroughly. Use a weak solution of dishwashing detergent. At the end of the process, rinse it with running water.

Check the expiration date of the cartridge, which is indicated on the packaging. Soak it for 20-30 minutes in clean, cool water. Then insert the funnel into the slot. Make sure that it fits tightly and that water does not leak into the lower reservoir. Assemble all the elements into a single structure.

Do not consume the first two servings of filtered liquid. Use it to water your indoor plants or just pour it out.

Carry out regular filtration of the liquid, preventing the cartridge from drying out, otherwise it will lose its properties. Do not use hot water for cleaning.

Clean the reservoir and funnel regularly using soapy water. This will prevent the growth of bacteria and the appearance of an unpleasant odor from stagnant liquid.

Do not forget about timely replacement of the filter element. It should be performed once a month, and with frequent and repeated use - a little more often. If it is not possible to replace the cartridge, then it is better to temporarily stop using the filter. Otherwise, you will get more harm than good.

A jug with a filter is used for cleaning, but not for long-term storage. Pour the filtered water into another container - a simple jug, jar or bottle.

Reverse osmosis devices

When researching the question of which water filter to choose, it is impossible to ignore the reverse osmosis system. Currently, it occupies a leading position among tap water purifiers in terms of the degree of removal of impurities.

The system consists of three modules:

  1. Mechanical pre-filters. Retains sand, rust, organic matter, chlorine and ammonia.
  2. Membrane with pores 0.0001 microns. Purifies liquid at the molecular level.
  3. Storage tank. Filtered water is concentrated in it. Harmful impurities go down the drain.

Companies that produce water purification systems for apartments allow the customer to equip the device with the following additional equipment:

  • Water pump. If there is insufficient pressure at the inlet.
  • Pressure reduction reducer. If the pressure level is too high.
  • Tourmaline cartridge. Restores the structure of water.
  • Larger tank. Relevant for large families.
  • Mineralizer. Introduces beneficial calcium, magnesium, and sodium into the water.
  • Ultraviolet module. Additional antiseptic.

The weakness of the reverse osmosis system is its dependence on the availability of electrical energy and the importance of maintaining a constant pressure value.

Filling the reagent tank.

At this stage, the control valve operates in the reagent tank filling mode. The level rises to a maximum level and can be controlled by a control valve (software) or by triggering a shut-off float valve. Often both options are used at the same time.

Water enters the cavities between the reagent, filling all the free space and, as it dissolves, it becomes a highly concentrated solution.

The presence of the reagent (most often tableted table salt) must be constantly maintained. The duration of this stage is on average from 5 to 15 minutes.

Filling materials for cartridges

To make the cartridge, polypropylene fiber, woven polypropylene rope (cord), cellulose impregnated with polyester, and nylon cord are used. But it is propylene that has gained the greatest popularity due to the fact that it has a low cost, is not exposed to chemicals, and is not destroyed by biological organisms.

Polypropylene cord filters use a special winding method that allows larger particles to settle on the outside of the cartridge while smaller particles remain inside the spool. They do not clog very quickly, but the more they exhaust their resource, the more contaminants they let through.

For water supply, this is precisely a positive property, because a dirty filter does not reduce the pressure in the system. Polypropylene fiber has a foamed structure that contains small bubbles, which accumulate contaminants. The shortcomings of the material manifest themselves in cheap low-quality models.

When purifying water, the outer filtration ball becomes clogged in them, while the inner layer can remain clean, that is, not participate in the filtration process. But high-quality cartridges work across the entire surface.

A significant disadvantage of polypropylene fiber is that when it is heavily soiled, it stops passing water and significantly reduces water pressure. This may adversely affect the operation of pumping equipment.

The temperature for using polypropylene products is 1 - 52 °C. They can be used for cold and warm water. To treat hot water, it is necessary to use cartridges made of cotton fibers impregnated with a special substance. They withstand high temperatures (up to +93 °C), exposure to microorganisms and various substances.


If there is a water leak, you need to check the four-way valve, also the reasons for this may be clogged elements or low pressure; to eliminate it, you need to replace the cartridges or install an additional pump that increases the pressure accordingly.

Another problem is the lack of water that should come from the tap. The reasons for this may be low pressure, membrane clogging, low temperature (operating 4˚C-40˚C). In order to fix this, you need to install a pump that increases the pressure or replace the membrane.

If a sufficient amount of purified liquid is not collected into the vessel, it is necessary to replace the prefilter, membrane or flow restrictor.

Also in this case, flushing the valve can help.

If there is air in the system, the liquid may become beige in color, but this problem disappears after 2 weeks of using the device.

If there is no carbon cartridge, clogged membranes or incorrectly connected tubes, the liquid after cleaning will have a bad taste. This can be corrected by rechecking the tube connections. Replacing the post-filter and membrane will help.

A clogged water flow restrictor causes fluid to not flow into the drain; to fix the problem, you need to replace the restrictor.

If the drain is clogged or the pressure is high, operation may become noisy; in this case, the blockage must be removed or the pressure adjusted.

If the pump does not turn off, the vessel may not be drawing enough liquid; if this is the case, the pressure needs to be adjusted.

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